Throughout the world

Inspiravit specialises in strategic and cultural transformation for socially responsible corporations and international NGOs. We partner with leaders, teams, and organisations dedicated to fostering positive change, united by shared values and a vision for a better world.

Who are we

Inspiravit Consulting, founded by Christine Wilke, is a specialist organisation development consultancy and coaching firm. We assist diverse corporations and NGOs during strategic and cultural change. We take an integrative approach to change working across leaders, teams, and organisations. Our services include consulting, development, and coaching, rooted in our partnership with Insights Discovery. We are driven by a passion for meaningful impact and aim to empower “change-makers” to unlock their full potential.

Committed to your Journey

Transformation, whether personal, team-based, or organisational, is an ongoing journey of exploration and growth. It’s not just about reaching a destination, but embracing the change that accompanies each step. If you’re ready to commit to your journey, we’ll meet you where you are, recalibrate your direction, and assist you in charting the course to your desired destination. Get in touch with us to ensure your next move aligns with your goals.

Previous Projects

If you would like us to support you on your journey, please contact us.